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   Note: Here is the letter of Jess Fajardo sent to Ted Calvero (Class 89) with regards
	 to the UCHS-UNHS Organization.
		Send your comments and/or ideas to  ltcfajardo@yahoo.com
         Hi Ted,
          Glad to hear from one of the most organized batches (I’ve been surfing your Class Website 
through the pangasinan.org) of Urdaneta City National High School.  
          LEST I BE MISINTERPRETED, definitely your batch and other batches for that matter are not left 
out in the UCNHSAA organization. Per our Constitution and by-laws, there will only be 11 Board of Directors 
(the election was held during the alumni homecoming last Nov 29, 2003), wherein 6 will be elected as Officers; 
Pres (Jesus A Fajardo 73), Veep (Marivic Sipin-Soliven 75), Sec (Lea Sobejana 78), Treas (Juliana Pascua 53), 
Auditor (Patrocenia Maminta 57) and PRO (Valerio Crescencia 81). The other five will remain as Board of Directors 
(Rosario Fabia 56, Nenita Intendencia 70, Alicia Soria 76, Ric Arellaga 77 and Adonis Magno 95). Madams Fabia, 
Intendencia and Soria replaced Marife Ilao 01, Noriel Carlos 81 and Dantes Sison 76 due to their pressures of work 
and studies.  Last Monday, I presided the 2nd regular meeting of  the Association at the UCNHS. Matters taken up 
were the salient points in the Constitution and by laws especially on the membership fees, annual dues and the logo 
and the different action items that were discussed during the first meeting.
           By the way, the Constitution and by laws will be registered this month, 9 years after the Association was 
founded! Likewise, in coordination with the OIC of UCNHS, your Officers and Board of Directors met all the teachers
 faculty present for their anticipated role during the alumni homecoming and to relay what were taken up during the 
meeting for their widest dissemination to their member batches and to other batches. Present were representatives 
from batches 60, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 85, 87, 88, 89 (baka hindi ka pa na-inform nang batchmate-faculty mo), 
90, 91, 92, 93 and 97. Related to this, these representatives faculty are also your coordinators to the Association. 
Going back to the By laws, a Batch can only be considered member once you have paid your membership fee of 
PHP 1000 and an annual dues of PHP 500 for year 2004. At present, only Batches 98, 99, 00, 01, 02 and 03 
have paid their membership fees and annual dues for the next five years while the Batches representing the 11 
Officers and Board of Directors had pledged to pay
their membership fees and dues anytime this week. 
          On your issue of Batch 89 being one of the Board of Directors, the next election will be on 
November 2005 during the general assembly. You have the luxury of time to choose among your 
classmates. Who knows, your classmate might even be the next President?  Anyway, you have 
your coordinator where you can voice  your issues and concerns to us. As I’ve said time and again, 
we need the support of every alumni in this endeavor. 
          TOGETHER, we can make this work and WE WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE!  I hope TED, 
I was able to answer some of your concerns. Should you wish to be “clarified” some more, you 
can invite us during your reunion and we are more than willing to explain these issues to your Batch.
More power to your Batch.
                                                 Your fellow alumnus,
                                                   Jess F